What Are Google Trusted Stores?

Google Trusted Stores

Google is known for improving the overall user experience of all its visitors and customers. This tech giant has multiple platforms, services, and products for everyone and almost all are free to use and boost productivity. One such advancement from Google to boost the eCommerce business is Google Trusted Stores.

Google has a special recognition for eCommerce stores that are focusing on delivering an excellent user experience. If you are new to Google Trusted Stores and want to know more about it, we have got you covered. In this article, we will have a look at what are these Google Trusted Stores are and how to become one.

What are these stores?

With the ever-growing online competition in the eCommerce domain, Google has made a differentiator for rewarding the best stores. It is a free certification program from Google and in which Google will highlight those businesses that are offering an excellent shopping experience. Once a business is verified under this program, the website will receive a special badge from Google. This badge will be visible on the website and it helps the business owners to gain more traction.

Once the store is qualified with this certification, the online retailer will become a Trusted Store and it will bring more business opportunities. For doing this, the eCommerce store owners only need to sign up for this feature and include two code snippets on their website. So, there is no need to submit the feeds for shipments and cancellations. This new method is more time-saving and easy to implement.

The verified eCommerce owners can also pick where they want the badge on their website. This badge is displayed on the HTTPS pages also. On this note, have a look at quick steps for applying for Google Trusted Stores:

Go to Google Merchant Center

First, you need to go to the Google Merchant Center and create an account on this platform. And if you already have an account there, you need to log in with your Gmail id. The Sign-Up process is easy and it will only take a few minutes to complete the process. Once the account is ready, you will be redirected to the dashboard.  Still, you have a doubt, you can opt for SEO Reseller.

Choose Customer Reviews

In the dashboard, you will be introduced to several options and you need to pick the best one. There are various other plans for various elements like dynamic remarketing, shopping ads, and product reviews. All you need to do is explore all the options and pick the right option for your business.

Agree on the terms & conditions

The Customer Reviews program approval is shown to you before you continue with further options. Make sure you understand the terms and make yourself familiar with this eCommerce platform. Once you have gone through all the terms and conditions, click on the save and continue option.

Do the Survey Integration

The next step will be inserting the survey code snippets on your website and the process is easier to follow. With this code, the customers will get a form to fill the survey on the site’s overall experience.

Duration for getting verified

Once you are done with all the technical integrations and formalities, the verification and approval time that is expected is 30 days. Google will gauge the site’s performance, customer engagement, and other factors to decide the eligibility.

Once the store satisfies all performance criteria and the store is approved, Google will reach the business owner to let them know if the Google Trusted Stores badge will appear on the site or not. If a store does not qualify, the retailer will be notified of the same.


Online competition is growing day after day and it has become important for eCommerce owners to find new ways of standing out. Google Trusted Stores is also one of such ways to stand out and gain more traction from the customers. No matter with you are selling and if you are a startup or a mid-sized business, you need to keep working towards your brand identity and online growth. The year 2021 and beyond is all about branding and enhanced user experience and eCommerce owners need to keep track of their online progress.