7 Effective Ways How Teachers Can Help Students with E-Learning

7 Effective Ways How Teachers Can Help Students with E-Learning

The world of digitization has come a long way with numerous advancements in store. From essay typers offering online academic assistance to the availability of an online citation machine, the list continues. This, as a result, has paved smarter avenues for educators across the globe. The conventional mode of teaching has been rightly backed by the features and functionalities of online teaching. Hence, the term “Blended Learning” has come into play to help students get the best of both worlds.

However, educators find coordinating online classes quite challenging. If you are looking for innovative ideas and avenues to make online learning more interactive, we have seven approaches in store for you.

Happy reading!

  1. Connect with interactive video lessons more often

Since online learning has a lot to do with video lessons, you should make it a point to connect with your students via interactive video lessons. Take note of the following suggestions to harness the potential of video-based education.

  • State clear and structured objectives for your students.
  • Keep your videos short and interactive for the youngsters.
  • Try and include your voiceover in the video when creating highly interactive and educational media files.
  • Consider segregating lengthy videos into a series of smaller clips to demonstrate a lesson.
  1. Take initiatives to make students tech-savvy

Teaching and learning go hand in hand. Your responsibility as an educator will lose its ground if students don’t respond to your academic illustrations. And when it comes to online learning, you cannot merely demonstrate a couple of lessons online. You need to do more than that. Here’s what you can do:

  • Encourage students to watch How-To videos on YouTube and other digital platforms.
  • Get your students to subscribe to tech-savvy social media pages, and ask them to be a part of online communities on Facebook and other forums.
  • Being a part of regular online interactions will help them hone technical skills more effectively.
  • You can also encourage students to read more tech-based books and journals such as The Innovator’s Dilemma, The Soul of a New Machine, The New New Thing, and more.
  • Ask your students to use video-calling apps such as Google Duo, Zoom, and Skype to interact in classroom lessons.
  • The more technically advanced apps they use, the better their chances to embrace technological developments faster.
  1. Make sure your students are away from distractions

Distractions can be detrimental to the learning capabilities and technical adaptabilities among students. So, you must keep students away from all distractions while connected with you over voice or video calls.

Ask them to choose a peaceful corner of the house and connect with you during online lessons. Major disruptions in such cases will ruin your time and effort at the same time. On the other hand, youngsters will not have anything productive to take home.

  1. Teach students how to practice time management

This is quintessential when it comes to helping students learn from online learning. Here are some easy time management tactics you can pass on to your students.

  • Help your students prioritise and organise each online class wisely.
  • If they are supposed to appear for online exams, start intimating them about the same at least a couple of days before the final date.
  • Teach them to plan app usage time for each task.
  • Foster a sense of responsibility among students in terms of sticking to the allotted usage time for each app.
  • Allow your students to take short breaks in between lengthy online classes.
  1. Specify the technical requirements for each online course

As a responsible educator, you should put serious efforts into specifying the technical requirement for each online course before commencing the same.

For example, if the course or the lesson deals with research or reference-based essentialities, talk about the same and initiate a brainstorming session before everything else.

  1. Ensure the availability of a stable internet connection

You cannot expect to carry out an uninterrupted online class without the availability of a stable internet connection. So, make it a point to check and confirm whether you and the students have a stable internet connection at home before initiating an online lesson.

  1. Set clearer online learning objectives and goals

Lastly, you should make sure that the students know their learning objectives and goals. Here are the parametric points to acknowledge in this matter.

  • Improved range of motion and endurance
  • Acknowledgment towards deadline
  • An ethical approach towards online learning
  • Clarity of communication daily objectives

Embrace these fundamental ways to make online learning more effective for students and carry out your tutorials like a pro. Cheers!

Author Bio: Alley John is an experienced assignment help provider working on behalf of the digital platform MyAssignmenthelp.com. He is also a passionate blogger, columnist, and NGO activist coming from Glasgow, the United Kingdom.