Video Marketing And Its Advantages For Your Company

video marketing company

Video marketing or the use of short videos for promotional purposes of your services, products or brand image, has been of vital importance in any Social Media marketing strategy that a company or corporate brand has for some years. Every audiovisual production company in Dubai or Corporate Video Production Companies In Dubai, Abu Dhabi or any major city worth its salt incorporates video marketing into its services to help its clients gain relevance, positioning, and ultimately, clients and market share.

As a company, what we communicate and how, will be one of the fundamental pillars of our marketing and communication strategy. Video marketing is no longer seen as an isolated action that brands implement only when a singular and sporadic product, service or event has to be advertised or promoted. No. Given the engagement and attention it generates, it has become daily content within our editorial calendar. And we know that thanks to a study of the Hubspot tool, 90% of people who consume videos, for example, of products, consider them clearly useful and informative in the decision process before the purchase.

Mainly for this reason, audiovisual media has already emerged as a top format for transmitting the messages that we are interested in as a brand, being an effective and tempting method for users, who prefer it to consume digital information, over others as text. , images or live broadcasts. The same is also true when we interact with advertising messages, which based on performance and conversion data, users prefer them in the form of video when they consume them on social networks.

Creation of promotional videos

Social media as the main provider of videos

The video marketing as such, claimed the impact it has today thanks to the emergence of social networks. With the evolution of these and their greater commitment to the audiovisual format, the videos brought the concept of virality hand in hand, and so the publications with the most engagement (regardless of what social platform we were talking about) were always those that shared a video.

From text or text with images, we spent in a very short time to see our timelines full of videos in a rapidly expanding social ecosystem. Without so much presence of companies and corporate entities in the first years of the network boom, it was audiovisual content that spurred the irruption of brands and professionals, who saw an unbeatable opportunity to interact with a large part of their audience and target audience.

Currently, video marketing as a business strategy, we see it massively present in some of the main social networks of the moment:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Tik tok
  • Snapchat

The Smartphone effect and the concept of connectivity

Technological development at all levels has marked the last decade like few other events that we remember. The leap from analogue mobile to smartphones (92% of devices in Spain ) hand in hand with an increasingly accessible Internet, opened the door to new marketing and communication actions that logically companies enthusiastically welcomed. Social Media marketing, video marketing, digital advertising, remarketing, influencers … Endless branding , informational and sales actions that have changed our environment forever.

And the Cloud and the concept of connectivity. Wherever we go, we now demand to be connected with our world and with the outside world. Have access to our documents from any device (not just from the computer or laptop), and of course, interact with any digital platform at any time and from anywhere in the world. Be connected to everyone and everything.

And it is in this new ecosystem of global communication and connectivity where companies prefer the audiovisual format to relate to their potential target on social networks  and other digital media. They develop video marketing strategies within their Social Media Marketing because they are aware of the predominant consumption of information and entertainment from a mobile device, which promulgates and facilitates the visualization of audiovisual content ahead of the textual one.

Virality or valuable content?

It is often said that video marketing seeks to create viral videos , which are quickly shared through other digital media such as mobile messaging apps or other social networks, but we should not fall into the error that only virality is the end of content. audiovisuals that we include in our Social Media marketing plan. Providing added value, solutions for specific cases in our area of expertise , that really help our target, is more important after all than the scope that this video that we have created may have.

Viral video for companies

Aspects to take into account when creating audiovisual content for our Social Media strategy :

Optimal duration : From 30 ” to 3 ‘, always with the slogan of whether it is brief, concise and direct, much better.

Out of the box : Creativity to power, although not always, depending on the sector, it will be possible to “innovate”. In these cases, the unique content of value prevails over how the video is made.

High video quality : Take care of format, lighting, sound, graphics, good editing without failures, etc. Our professionalism can never be compromised. Recording and editing a video requires time and dedication, and an understanding and knowledge of audiovisual language. Quality videos are not made in a few seconds.

Message and editing : Depending on the message, the idea of ​​the video will vary and we will edit the video with one or the other characteristics (voice-over, labels, interview, without audio, etc.).

Segmentation : Videos directed to a generic target usually work worse than when we target a specific set of our audience. It will depend on many factors, such as the product or service that we are going to expose in the video, or the objective for which we create this particular audiovisual content. It is something that we must have marked in our communication strategy in social networks and in our calendar.

Goals : In video marketing, not all videos on social networks have to share goals. We will be creating videos according to internal, external and commercial needs (Black Monday, Christmas, company anniversary, sale of a new range, etc).

Advantages of using videos in our company strategy

Advantages of implementing video marketing to our communication strategy in the different supports that our brand manages (web, social networks, newsletter, online and offline advertising …):

Acceptance : As a brand, and given the saturation of commercial messages in the digital field, the audiovisual format enjoys full acceptance by the audience when it comes to consuming third-party content, especially on social networks, where in all of them it is the preferred format and most consumed (always taking into account the specific singularities of each social platform).

Interactivity : Related to the previous aspect, engagement is significantly higher when we transmit our messages through promotional, corporate, product, etc. videos. On Twitter, for example, tweets that attach video receive 3 times more interactions from users (responses, likes, retweets …). In addition, they are easy to consume, with a single click, and users like that a lot unlike other reading formats or that require more interaction by the recipient.

Emotionality : Removing consciences and stirring emotions is not easy, but much more viable through video marketing. Combine and mix image, sound, voiceovers, effects, text on labels … creatively and correctly according to our objective will generate brand memory and enhance our branding for the audience.

Virality : Linked to emotion. Really surprising and touching the fiber of our target could result in a massive reach through sharing. As we have already mentioned, it is not a goal of video marketing as difficult and improbable, but if it arrives, we will have a double success.

Content : According to our intention and objective, we will be able to edit different types of videos with a diversity of messages. Work on storytelling, video tips, corporate, product, tutorials, reviews, testimonials …

Effectiveness : Video marketing within our Social Media Marketing plan will seek, in one way or another, to sell our product / service, our brand as a benchmark in our sector. After viewing a specific audiovisual content of a product, there are 40% more possibilities of purchase by the user.

Positioning : Audiovisual social networks such as YouTube or Vimeo will allow us to position ourselves above in their organic searches if our content is relevant to the audience and we optimize it correctly. Also outside of social networks, for example on our website, a page with embedded video will make visitors spend more time on our website, helping us in SEO and opening the possibility of sharing that page / s generating links (backlinks ) external to our website.

Video marketing advantages

Types of video marketing according to their function

We highlighted right now the effectiveness of video marketing. And we know, for example, that 66% more leads are achieved through audiovisual content. Here is one of the powerful reasons why companies opt for videos in their marketing and communication strategies.

But there are very different types of videos, which we will have to select carefully when we undertake a video marketing project:

  • Corporate videos
  • Product or service videos
  • Explanatory / informational videos
  • Advertising / promotional videos
  • Presentation videos
  • Videos summary event
  • Video reviews (of products)
  • Testimonial videos
  • Video interviews

Main platforms for videos in our Social Media marketing

The figures of the main platforms where we can implement our video marketing strategy within the company’s Social Media marketing plan speak for themselves. It is therefore not surprising that more and more brands are present and active in communication with their audience through audiovisual content.


The world’s busiest audiovisual platform with 2,000 million users worldwide. A very high 79% of Internet users have a YouTube channel.


The favorite environment chosen by brands to display their most professional content . With many more features and privacy restrictions than YouTube.

Instagram (IGTV)

One of the latest features implemented in the fastest growing social network in recent years. An occasion that is not even painted for brands to share their content, reaching an audience that undoubtedly bets on the audiovisual format.

Tik tok

With 1.5 billion users, many well-known faces and users mostly under 40 years old upload and share videos of very different kinds.


Nearly 200 million active accounts make it another attractive showcase for companies and professionals who have a target for their young products and services, since the main users are under the age of 25.


Both in content strategies and in advertising, videos are one of the main elements of the social network, contributing to 80% of the traffic from social networks to websites on this platform.


Ideal space to search for the virality of the videos of our strategy, where setting yourself up as a trending topic guarantees an almost impossible reach if not through advertisements.


The audiovisual format does not stop gaining share and more share of space in the profile timelines and company pages. Network users see it as the most effective form of communication with their audience.

Production of promotional videos


We finish with one more fact: according to a recent Hubspot study, 81% of brands currently execute video marketing strategies. Although this figure may vary depending on the country we are talking about, it helps us enormously to gauge the importance of the audiovisual format when it comes to companies communicating with their audience.

It is not surprising that in the Social Media marketing plans of brands from almost all sectors, the main means to achieve their objectives is video. A content that has the fervor of the public, that is consumed quickly and that creates brand memory. And it is that the text and the reading are less and less “appealing” for the users, who seek to optimize their time browsing: more content in the same amount of time.