Lodge A Hassle-Free Student Visa 500 Application To Study Australia

Lodge A Hassle-Free Student Visa 500 Application To Study Australia

student visa subclass 500 is an Australian visa allowing you to take up any course of study. The Visa Subclass 500 eligible visa permits you to bring your family member and stay up to five years in the country. Applying for it is possible either from inside or outside Australia. Aspirants must be at least six years of age to be eligible for the same. Similarly, several other criteria are there that a person has to attain to get the visa and study. Let’s check out the process to successfully lodge a visa application for Student Visa Subclass 500

Are You Opting For The Right Visa?

The first thing to check is if you are applying for the right visa. Several Australian visas are available so it is obvious to get confused. If you have any queries, the migration agent Perth is always there for your assistance. They are well aware of what each visa means, what the specific requirements are, and how to apply for it, etc. Once you are sure that you are proceeding with the right one, you can proceed with the visa application process. 

  • Apply to an Australian university and get an acceptance letter 

Have you decided where you wish to study in Australia? If no, the first step is to shortlist the course and the university where you want to study. After that, you have to complete the admission process on the subject and the fees. Once you complete the procedure, you will receive an acceptance letter, which you have to provide while applying for a student visa 500.

  • Create an account with the Australian immigration experts 

Generally, the visa application process is done online, and for that, you have to create an account. The entire process will take place through this account, from submitting the form, checking the updates, etc. In case the visa authorities need some more details, they will inform you, which will reflect in this account. 

  • Have all the documents in digital format 

Whatever details you have to submit, ensure that it is available in digital format. If you do not have the documents digitally you cannot submit them. Check the digital images properly as if they are not clear, they can get rejected or canceled. 

  • Complete the visa application form 

A visa application form is available online, which you must fill up and it is the first step. All the data you included here should be correct and as per the guidelines. Ensure that you do not commit any mistake in providing the details; otherwise, you can be in big trouble. The form is lengthy and you may not complete it in one day. Thus, save all the information so you can start from the next day. 

  • Clear the fee

After you have submitted Student Visa 500 application form with all the necessary details, the next step is to pay the fee. The authorities will never start accessing your visa application till you clear your fees. Once you clear them, you have to wait till you receive any update from their end. 

Student Visa 500 Eligibility Criteria

Now that you know what you have to do to lodge a Student Visa 500take a look at the eligibility criteria. Fulfilling each aspect is crucial, or else your visa will get rejected or will be on hold. The pointers to be fulfilled are:

  • Age requirement and enrolment in a course 

Certain specifications are there regarding the age of a student, which you must fulfil before applying. Besides that, you must enrol in a course and have a piece of evidence regarding the same. 

  • Making welfare arrangement and English language requirement 

If the student applying for a subclass is less than 18, making a welfare arrangement is a must. All candidates must attain the English language requirements. 

  • Meeting health and character requirements.

The candidate with the family member applying for a visa 500 must attain the health and character requirements. They must have adequate health insurance. 

  • Have this visa while applying from inside the country 

If you are applying from inside the country, you must hold an eligible visa. Also, you must have enough money to pay for the stay-period in the country. You have to provide all the necessary details about the finances. 

  • Be a genuine temporary novice and clear the dues.

You must be a genuine novice and must return to your home country after completing the studies in Australia. Before applying, you have to clear all the dues that you have under the Australian government. In case you cannot clear them, you must make some provision for that. 

  • Signing the Australian value statement 

If you are above 18 years, you have to sign the Australian value statement. It states that you will obey Australian laws and respect the Australian way of life. 

  • The best interest of the child 

Student Visa 500 will not be granted if it is not in the best interest of children below 18 years. All the aspects need to be fulfilled without fail if you want to get your student visa. 

If you find the entire process difficult, Immigration Agents Perth can assist you. They are aware of the entire process and can help you with everything. Your visa application form will never come under rejection and cancelation. Once you get a student visa, you can prepare for the trip to Australia.